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Ease of Doing Business

Ease of Doing Business

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Mineral (Auction) Rules – 2015.
(Click here for Mineral (Auction) Rules –2015)

Grant of mining lease:–

1) An applicant shall have registration with MSTC Limited ( online electronic auction platform) for participating in auction process.
2) An applicant should submit Rs. five lakh as tender document purchasing fee.(As per GOI Guidelines)
3) The tender document issued by the State Government shall contain geological report, DGPS surveyed area as per definition of ‘mine’ .(see clause (j) of sub-section (1) of section 2 of the Mines Act 1952 (35 of 1952) Click here to open file.
4) Tentative timeline for major mineral of e-auction blocks,see timeline (within 60 days.)
5) The information regarding auction is available on DGM as well as MSTC website.


2. Time Line for Auction Process

3. Terms and Conditions

4. Conditions for Grant of ML & PL

5. NOC Proforma

For Dealers Registrtion :
(1) Every application made under sub-rule i shall accompanied by-
(a) A fee Rs. 1,000 (Rs. One Thousand Only) payable through treasury Chalan under the following head of account.Click here for " Maharashtra Mineral ( Prevention of Illegal Mining Transportation and Storage Rule) Rules 2001.

102- Mineral Concession Fees and Royalties (0853 001 2)
(02)- Receipts from the Mineral Concession Rules, 1960.Click here for Mineral Concession Rules, 1960.

(b) Income Tax Clearance Certificate;

(c) Sales Tax Clearance Certificate;

(d) An affidavit to the effect that he had not been convicted in any case relating to smuggling of ores and major minerals;

(e) A copy of the certificate issued by the Industries Department/Trade Commerce and Mining Department or any other concerned Department of Government for establishment of the factory or benefication plant or any industry, if any.

(2) On receipt of application for registration, the Regional Deputy Director of Geology and Mining shall acknowledge the receipt with five (5) days in Form 'B'. Acknowledgement shall be sent to the applicant by Registered post.

(3) The Regional Deputy Director of Geology & Mining shall grant a dealers registration in Form 'D' for a period of five(5) years within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the application. In case of refusal or rejection of the application, the reasons shall be recorded in writing and communicate to the applicant within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the application.

(4) Application for renewal shall be made to the Regional Dy. Director of Geology & Mining ninety (90) days prior to the date of expiry of the existing registration. If orders of renewal are not passed before the expiry, it is deemed to have been renewed for a period of one year.


Ease of doing Business
Mineral (Non-exclusive Reconnaissance Permits) Rules, 2015.Click here for Mineral (Non-exclusive Reconnaissance Permits) Rules, 2015

(1) An applicant for grant of non-exclusive reconnaissance shall meet the eligibility conditions specified in section 5 of the Act for grant of reconnaissance permit and shall submit an online application for grant of non-exclusive reconnaissance permit as per the format specified in schedule I along with an (online payment of a fee calculated at the rate of one thousand rupees per square Kilometre.)
(Applicant should be an Indian National, or a Company as defined in Clause (20) of Sec (2) of the Companies Act- 2013)

(2) An online acknowledgement shall be provided to the applicant under the provisions of sub-rule (5).

(3) The State Government shall dispose of the application made under the provisions of sub-rule (5) within a period of thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of duly completed online application and may either issue a non-exclusive reconnaissance permit or reject the application for reasons to be recorded in writing and the letter to grant or reject the non-exclusive reconnaissance permit shall be posted online which shall be available for download by the applicant.


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