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Directorate of Geology and Mining

The Directorate plays a pivotal role in conducting geological surveys and assessments of various parts of the state to locate mineral occurrences. Through the use of techniques such as pitting, trenching, and drilling, the Directorate generates valuable information about the mineral resources available in the area. This information is essential for the establishment of mineral-based industries and the efficient exploitation of the state's mineral wealth. In this way, the Directorate's prime function is to provide critical support to the state's economic development by facilitating the responsible management and utilization of its mineral resources.

mineral resources of maharashtra

The important minerals occurring in the State are Coal, Iron ore, Manganese, Limestone, Bauxite, Dolomite, Silica sand, Kyanite & Sillimanite. The other minerals occurring are Barytes, Ilmenite, Clay, Feldspar, Copper, Chromite, Graphite, Fluorite, Tungsten etc.

Iron Ore


Ministry of Coal Govt. of India
Ministry of Environment
MSTC Limited
Government of Maharashtra
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